

The cities we serve send out their final schedules usually 7-10 days before the start of the season. Once we receive their final schedules, we will post them to the master schedule. You will also receive your schedule to confirm by email every week. Once you accept your schedule, you must keep your schedule. If there is an emergency, let us know and we will make every effort to get you covered. Let’s limit those changes to emergencies only.


SOFTBALL – Softball jersey, choice, black slacks or black shorts, black shoes, black socks, black ball bag, plate brush, clicker, black embroidered Pros Plus hat and a coin. Any cold weather gear, dark blue or black

FOOTBALL – Football jersey, black slacks or shorts, black shoes, black socks, referee hat, penalty flag, bean bags, down marker, and a coin

BASKETBALL – Basketball jersey, black shorts for adult leagues, black slack for youth leagues, black socks, black shoes, Fox 40 whistle with lanyard

Regardless of the sport, it is imparitive that we have a professional look as a team. Let's look the part!